Investor Information

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Corporate Calendar

Dec-23 Dividend Payment
Feb-24 Quarterly NAV and Dividend Announcement
Mar-24 Publication of Annual Report
Mar-24 Dividend Payment
May-24 Quarterly NAV and Dividend Announcement
Jun-24 Dividend Payment
Aug-24 Quarterly NAV and dividend announcement
Sept-24 Publication of Interim Report
Nov-24 Quarterly NAV and dividend announcement
Dec-24 Dividend Payment

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Victory Hill Capital Partners LLP Is Authorised And Regulated By The Financial Conduct Authority (Frn 961570).

* Your capital is at risk and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Investments in this trust are for the long term.
Please see full details of all the risks in the prospectus published on 9 June 2022.

Document Centre

We recommend that you read these key documents, paying particular attention to the risks before you decide to invest.
If you have any doubts about the suitability of an investment, you should seek professional advice.

Addressing Climate Change

The transition of the energy mix to more sustainable and lower carbon emitting sources

VH Global Sustainable Energy Opportunities plc
6th Floor, 125 London Wall,
London EC2Y 5AS
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)20 7129 1141
